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Applications & Advantages of Gridd for an Entire Building Footprint Applications

When it comes to advancing technology and the need to adjust quickly as it changes, more and more companies think in terms of the entire building footprint. And they’re thinking ahead.


Because every business, organization and institution today is driven by technology. And as the technology advances, the infrastructure that supports it must adapt too for systems to remain online. Without the infrastructure, there’s no advanced technology and therefore, not much business activity.

In other words… everything grinds to a halt.

Incorporating Gridd into the Entire Building Footprint Plans for the Future

Successful companies plan to be successful. Rather than one or two years, they think 10 to 20 years ahead. Business is fast paced, but it’s also a long distance enterprise. So costs are measured with long term benefits in mind.

The Gridd raised floor system is that long term payoff. When included in the architectural plans of new and renovation construction, it builds flexibility for advancing technology into the entire building footprint.

It offers a bold, yet simple whole building design with a long term promise: no matter what kind of changes in technology you experience, Gridd will absorb the friction and costs usually associated with change in technology.

Incorporating Gridd into the Entire Building Footprint Speeds up Construction Schedules

New building and renovation construction projects that don’t include the needs for advanced technology in their whole building design make technology an afterthought.

And it results in higher construction costs and a slower production schedule.

Cabling has to be run over ceilings, down walls, through power poles or trenches cut through cement flooring. And this can take 3-4 workers 10-15 days to accomplish. It’s slow, messy and unsightly.

The Gridd raised flooring system installs quickly and easily by snapping together without glues, screws or fasteners. As an example of how Gridd compares to other solutions, Gridd Power was recently installed in a hospital. And 10,000 feet of cable was installed in one day by one electrician.

Incorporating Gridd into the Entire Building Footprint is Aesthetic Design Friendly

Gridd promotes a clean, flexible design that works well for the modern, open office environment with modular cubicles. But it’s just as comfortable in historic buildings where running cable is even more difficult.

Either way, cabling for advanced technology is tucked neatly under a solid, sound-dampened, raised floor that looks and feels like a normal floor. And it’s free standing components don’t attach to or damage the building at the subfloor or walls.

Gridd lets designers exercise originality to create a whole building design with its own, unique personality rather than one forced to work around ugly fixtures that accommodate advanced technology.

See what can do for you.
Why Gridd